为您的国家机构和管理的医疗机构以最高的效率和最小的浪费运行, you need three basic things. 利益协调(COB)确保您只支付您负责的索赔. Payment Integrity (PI), also known as Program Integrity, makes sure that Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) are under tight control, and that claims are medically necessary and correctly submitted. 护理质量确保战略和服务到位,以改善护理和降低成本的最高程度的需要的成员.
Gainwell拥有让您的程序高效运行所需的经验和全球十大外围足球平台, without impacting quality of care for your recipients.
Gain greater accuracy
Shut down fraudsters
Streamline processes with built-in compliance
We pioneered Coordination of Benefits in 1985, 当足球外围平台看到医疗补助支付了数十亿美元,这是不应该的. And today, our COB solutions for Medicaid, Medicare, Military, State Agency programs and MCOs are the best, most innovative available. 没有人能接近足球外围平台的专有数据和算法.
足球外围平台的PI全球十大外围足球平台根除索赔周期中任何阶段因任何原因而出现的错误索赔. We identify incorrect claims before or after payment. 如果付款后,足球外围平台有强大的恢复系统到位,让钱回到您的帐户. 足球外围平台甚至可以在没有医疗记录的情况下发现不良索赔, reducing abrasion and speeding recovery. 机器学习和人工智能(AI)不断使足球外围平台的全球十大外围足球平台更智能、更自动化, but when a human touch is needed, our people are the best and most experienced in the business.
Our advanced care management ecosystem puts personalized, data-driven and actionable care plans at your fingertips, 减少低效率,让你的团队专注于重要的事情——关心那些最需要的人.
Cost avoidance beats pay-and-chase. Our end-to-end COB solutions focus on speed to delivery, and data quality and accuracy to create actionable insights. 这与足球外围平台独特的市场专业知识相结合,确保为您的计划最大限度地节省成本.
Already paid that claim? No problem. 足球外围平台使用人工智能和机器学习来检查不当支付的索赔,以选择最佳的恢复候选人. 然后,足球外围平台使用高效的电子流程来追求这些回收,以最大限度地节省开支.
Our Case Management solution makes sense of scattered, disorganized data, and drives cases to reimbursement and closure. We deliver secure, reliable, web-based access around the clock, with real-time updates, document imaging and a guided workflow. 足球外围平台的案件经理和律师是无与伦比的,当涉及到复杂的,高美元的案件.
Our Clinical Claim Reviews identify coding, location, 通过将索赔与医疗记录进行比较来确定服务水平和报销错误, either pre-pay or post-pay. 由人工智能和临床专家协同驱动, 足球外围平台经过实战考验并不断改进的算法针对最有可能出错的索赔要求.
Payment Analytics是一种可定制的付款后数据挖掘全球十大外围足球平台,它使用独家数据分析将索赔历史与特定账单进行比较, coding, 客户端系统或索赔处理程序可能遗漏的使用和报销规则.
FraudCapture is a modular, 云托管平台,在识别欺诈方面提供端到端支持, waste and abuse. Beneficial to operations of all sizes, our intuitive, 移动友好型软件通过清晰的数据可视化和易于使用的数据探索工具暴露问题.
足球外围平台的药房支付完整性全球十大外围足球平台使用人工智能驱动的分析来针对高价值案例进行审查. Customization to specific policies and regulations is easy, 临床审查由工作人员药剂师和国家认证的药学技术人员进行.
Better cost prevention also means better compliance. 许多雇主和州从那些不符合资格标准的人身上积累了高昂的财务成本, creating the need to verify eligibility more than ever. 足球外围平台的资格验证全球十大外围足球平台处理具有敏感性的验证, 确保员工准确理解为什么有些人可能不符合资格, and explaining the process every step of the way.